
  • Project Labor Agreements

    Statute prohibits state or local entities from requiring a PLA without approval by the legislature.

  • Prevailing Wage


  • Right to Work


  • Public-Private Partnerships

    Statute authorizes the use of P3s on toll facilities, but does not permit or prohibit the use of P3s on vertical projects. Unsolicited bids are allowed.

  • Workforce Development Incentives

    Current labor supply satisfies 90% of peak labor demand.

    State offered $36,452,564 in grants and incentives for workforce preparation and development in 2023.

  • Career and Technical Education

    93% of CTE high school graduates are placed in colleges or careers.

    Mississippi recognizes NCCER as an approved curriculum for CTE programs.

  • Job Growth Rate


Monthly Unemployment Rate in Mississippi

Please see ABC's state-by-state construction unemployment data here.

Industry Overview

Prompt Pay

Private: Progress payments if agreed or If the contractor is not paid in full within thirty (30) calendar days from the first occurrence of one (1) of the above-mentioned events, then the final payment shall bear interest.
Public: Progress payments or within 45 days of invoice.
Subs: For public and private, prime must pay sub within 15 days of payment. No law for subs to lower tiers.

Immigration/E-Verify Mandate

All private employers, state contractors, and state agencies must use E-Verify. Penalties include license suspension and contract debarment.

Percentage of State GDP From Nonresidential Construction


Incidence Rate

N/A data not available.

Occupational Safety & Health Oversight (State vs. Federal)

Federal oversight.

Percentage of Union Membership in Private Construction


Marijuana Legalization Status

Legalized for medical use, decriminalized for personal use.

Business Facts

Minimum Wage


Percentage of Pensions Funded


Effective Real-Estate Tax Rate


Corporate Income Tax Rate(s)


State and Local Public Construction Expenditures (in millions)
