Project Labor Agreements
In 2020, the Virginia General Assembly repealed ABC’s fair and open competition law, which goes into effect May 1, 2021.
Prevailing Wage
Yes; 250,000. In 2020, the Virginia General Assembly enacted prevailing wage requirements for public works projects. The law takes effect on May 1, 2021.
Right to Work
Public-Private Partnerships
Statute authorizes the use of P3s on horizontals and vertical construction projects, and allows for unsolicited bids.
Workforce Development Incentives
Current labor supply satisfies 87% of peak labor demand.
State offered $15,225,702 in grants and incentives for workforce preparation and development in 2023.
Career and Technical Education
70% of postesecondary students earned a credential and/or continued on to a career.
Virginia does recognize NCCER as an approved curriculum for CTE programs.
Job Growth Rate